To Let Go and Forgive is Divine

To Let Go and Forgive is Divine

The More you Know Yourself, The More you Forgive Yourself – Confucious I left a 30-year marriage, sold my business of 24 years, and moved across the country in answer to a soul calling to expand and become a more enlightened “me”.  All I had known was gone, and...
Courage…may not be what you think

Courage…may not be what you think

“Are you feeling a bit shaken, maybe stirred, maybe fearful and doubtful, and completely and utterly, wildly terrified?  Good. Keep going”   -Victoria Erickson What is courage…. and how does courage show itself?  Is courage the fireman who pulls the baby out of a...
What is Courage?

What is Courage?

“It takes courage…to endure the sharp pains of self-discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.” ― Marianne Williamson Have you ever wondered what true courage means? I have… a lot… especially as I...