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The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” C.G. Jung

I love the expression you teach what you most need to learn.”  I believe this is so true and a necessary part of embodying wisdom for ourselves.  I invite you to take a closer look at the implications with respect to self-development and empowering others.  Do you walk your talk? Is your behavior consistent with what you are teaching?

There are, of course, teachers/leaders that are masters in conscious awakening who offer programs to help us in our personal growth and evolution, and we can learn so much from them. We are fortunate to have these gurusin our life and they can greatly help ease the pains of awakening as we chose to expand to become a grander version of ourselves.  As we are ready to grow in self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-love, forgiveness and evolve (with intention and effort) into our true natures, we can recognize the generosity and gift in these souls who become mentors for us.

However, what happens when a person represents themselves as a teacheron the path to personal transformation and does not walk their talk?  How do we trust our teachers if they cannot live in accordance with what they are teaching us?It can leave us feeling empty and disillusioned.  At least it does for me. Personal authenticity is so important, and I dont have any respect or time for pretense.  How do we keep the faith as we struggle to find guidance and support through the rightteachers?

Is it an unreasonable expectationthat those who represent themselves as having answers”  have really examined their own life and have asked the difficult question, am I walking my talk?  I realize, at the end of the day, it is most important for me to do that for myself. As I have struggled in my own life to rise from the ashes as the Phoenix, through my personal experience of the Dark Night,”….  it has been challenging to ask myself with honesty and self-acceptance. what are the talents and gifts of healing I can offer as a result of my deep inquiry into myself through my Dark Night of the Soul?”  Do I live my life consistently in accordance with my true values and personal integrity?  

Acknowledging who you are, strengths and weaknesses takes tremendous courage and a willingness to be humble and vulnerable.  It requires you to stand naked and acknowledge those uncomfortable places in yourself you are afraid to look at. Is your own self-judgment and fear preventing you from reaching your highest potential?  Are you showing yourself compassion?

I hope you will allow me to share the gifts of wisdom I have gained, through my journey. returning to your authentic self, finding wholeness again.  For you with love, I humbly and joyfully offer my deeply intimate and spiritual memoir Hugging Trees in the Dark..Finding the Courage to Free the Heart.  I am fully dedicated to supporting you in recognizing your potential for freedom, to feel more alive than ever before, and loving who you are unconditionally… With my whole heart in love. RJ